(Български) Трекът Ле – Манали през 1988 или хималайски разказ за причинно-следствените връзки…
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full article“Where are you going to spend your seaside holiday this summer?” asked my friend while we were panting towards Mussala during our traditional annual ascent of …
full articleThe capital of Norway, Oslo, doesn’t rank among the splendid cities in Europe. Even more–my Norwegian friend, Dag Oyvind, thinks that this is the drowsiest and …
full article– Say, Gerry, aren’t we going for once to a country where women aren’t veiled from head to toe? Our eyes deserve to be delighted!
Who else …
full articleThe rhythm of the ship’s engines rumbling under my claustrophobic cabin lull me into a deep sleep despite my firm intentions to take a nap of …
full articleAlthough they bring order in the organization of our physical world, the geographical imaginary lines like parallels, meridians, polar circles etc. are nothing more than meaningless …
full articleWhen foreigners land in Borneo, they are so overwhelmed by the ubiquitous equatorial jungle, its wild inhabitants and its rivers, swollen by the frequent rainfall and …
full articleIn the minds of Western people, the name of the biggest island in Asia inevitably evokes intrusive images of muggy jungles swarming with insects and reptiles; …
full articleThe late summer heat makes you nervous and incites you to adventurous decisions. The season of traveling and holidaymaking is almost over, and people start thinking …
full articleWhile paying the entrance fee to the National Park IGUAZU in South America, visitors could not possibly evoke enough imagination as to fancy even remotely what …
full articleWhen we landed in Argentina’s capital Buenos Aires the thermometer was showing 33 degrees Celsius in the shade. We had left Sofia in freezing rain, which …
full articleTill late in my childhood I seriously doubted that Patagonia existed. I thought that just like Busmantsi it was nothing more than a melodious language figure …
full article“Hey, people, you must have lost your minds if you think you’ll come back alive from Cape Horn in this ten-meter long “through,” said Norman haughtily …
full articleIn the darkness of a moonless February night some five hundred years ago Fernando Magellan saw a mysterious sea-shore, lit by thousands of fires. For the …
full articleEvery semi-intelligent participant in the game show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” will apparently assume that the highest waterfall in the world–Salto Angel in Spanish, …
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