The contour of the Earth’s crust is the geological memory of the planet in terms of content. And orography is what systematizes the features of this …
full articleThe contour of the Earth’s crust is the geological memory of the planet in terms of content. And orography is what systematizes the features of this …
full articleIf you happen to arrive in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, at noontime on a hot January Sunday /like a hot day in July for …
full articleВероятно защото съжителстват с небесата, внушават ни комплекс за малоценност и направо казано, гледат с вледеняваща надменност на равнинната човешка действителност, планините навред по света се …
full articleArcheology is considered a science of mysteries. Every generation has tried to find a key to the mysteries left by our predecessors, using the instruments of …
full articleThe human body is perniciously fastidious. In order to function well it needs laboratory conditions with unlimited quantities of thick fresh air and no startling temperature …
full articleThe human race will never acquiesce to its loneliness. To our linear human thinking, the collective phobia that the Universe is uninhabited sounds as frightening as …
full articleLake Titicaca is among the most popular geographic features in the world. You’ll find it in every other crossword and TV or radio game show; children …
full articleGood morning, Kamisaraki, Namaste, Habari, Julley, Salam aleikum, Tashi deley, Chi fan le ma?… The greeting is usually the first semantic unit we come across when …
full articleThe thunderstorm raged all night. The wind blasts caused such vibrations that occasionally everything was shaking like during an earthquake. This, of course, reminded us that …
full articleЕверест е безспорно най-трайно и драматично експонираната планина в колективното човешко съзнание. Широката слава и почти таблоидна познатост на най-високия връх на планетата обаче не му …
full articleThere are cities you know you are going to come back to even before you have seen them once. These are places whose pulsating names and …
full articleWhen they learned that I was going to embark on an individual trip to North Caucasus, my friends, one and all, were dumbfounded. “Even if we …
full articleЗабелязал съм, че когато попадна за първи път на място, което дълго съм желал и което ми е струвало вземане на непопулярни решения срещу здравия разум, …
full articleПотъмнелите от страх очи на Урген невиждащо се стрелкаха по отвесната скала в търсене на спасителни издатини. Закрепен в края на тесния перваз на има-няма метър …
full articleВсеки знае, че Централна Азия е пространно географско понятие, намиращо се някъде в средата на най-големия континент на света. Малко известен обаче е фактът, че сред …
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